As Ye Sow KARMA  So Shall Ye Reap

Flies don't think they are poisonous.  Rats never think that what they eat is stolen.  Mosquitoes can smell a person's blood type before taking a bite for reproduction.  When a bird is alive, it eats ants.  When the bird is dead, ants eat bird.  When the flood comes, the fish eat ants.  But when the water dries, the ants eat fish.  "Never believe you are above or below anyone.  Remember, for dust you are, and to dust you shall return."  I would rather be a little nobody than to be an evil somebody;  I'd rather be remembered as an honest sinner than a lying hypocrite.  It's better to get hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie.

Karma has no menu.  Good and evil are names for what people do, not for what they are.  Human life struggles between wisdom and stupidity.  You can’t control the waves, but you can learn to ride them.  People who create their own drama deserve their own karma.  Before you act, you have freedom, but after you act, the effect of that action will follow you, whether you want it to or not.  Life is like a sewer.  What you get out of it depends on what you put into it.  Karma is like a GPS.  It always knows where to lead you.  Karma is like a boomerang.  Whatever you throw out into the world comes back to you.  Karma is like a rubber band; you can only stretch it so far before it comes back and smacks you in the face.  Karma is like a vending machine.  You only get what you put in.  Karma is like a mirror If you dig a grave for others you may fall into it yourself.  If you don’t like what you see, change what you’re putting out there.  Karma is justice.  It does not reward or punish because we have to earn all that we receive.

The universe does not carry debts.  It always returns to you what you gave it.  Your believing or not believing in karma has no effect on its existence or on its consequences for you.  Everyone has these same elements in their lives: the seen and unseen, karma and free will.  We are all broken, that's how the light gets in.  People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own souls.  You cannot control the behavior of others, but you can always choose how you respond to it.

Life is a long lesson in humility.  Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws.  Innocent people are not stupid; they just think everyone has a good heart.  Everyone wants to be the sun to lighten up someone's life, but why not be the moon, to shine in someone's darkest hour ?  Be someone who leaves a mark in people's lives, not a scar; who lifts people up, not casts them down; who brings out the best in people and not the stress in them. 

The universe will never require you to set yourself on fire to provide heat for others.  Good actions bring good results; bad actions bring bad results.  Picking other people's flowers does nothing to make your garden more beautiful.  You don't clean dirt with dirt.  If you wouldn't like it done to you, don't do it to others.  What goes around comes around.  Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.  Every action must have a reaction.  The rotten fruits will fall by themselves.  Holding a grudge doesn't make you strong; it makes you bitter.  Forgiving doesn't make you weak; it sets you free.  You cannot do harm to someone because someone has done harm to you.  You will pay just like they will.  People pay for what they do, and, still more, for what they have allowed themselves to become.  And they pay for it simply by the lives they lead.  How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.  If the good is sown, the good is collected.  When positive things are made, that returns well.  You can't do ugly things to people and expect to live a beautiful life.  Be a light for those who lost their will to burn.  Live like a candle that burns itself but gives light to others.  What is to give light must endure burning.

Selfishness is the greatest curse of the human race.  Treat others as you wish to be treated.  Don't do it to others if you wouldn't want it done to you.  You reap what you sow The day you plant the seed is not the day you eat the fruit.  What you give in life, you will get in return.  You are the maker of your life.  Never argue with liars.  A rising tide floats all boats; when the tide goes out, you discover who's been swimming naked.  You can't win, because they believe their own lies.  It's better to feel the hurt of honesty than to live in the false comfort of a lie.  When you destroy someone's life with lies, take it as a loan, it will come back to you with interest.  Trust takes years to build, seconds to break, and forever to repair.  A promise means everything, but once it is broken, sorry means nothing.  Trust is like glass.  Once broken, it will never be the same again.  It's not always the tears that measure the pain.  Sometimes it's the smile we fake.  People may not always tell you how they feel about you, but their actions will speak for themselves.  Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right.  Bees don't waste their time explaining to flies what honey is.  Follow the bees to find honey.  Follow the flies and find the toilet.

Life is full of joy and full of great sorrow, but you can't have one without the other.  Sometimes, you get hurt so you can heal; fall so you can rise again; lose so you can gain; end so you can start again.  Some of life's greatest lessons come from the worst pain.  Moments become memories and people become lessons.  Don't let a few bad memories stop you from having a good life.  You cannot have a beautiful life if you always focus on ugliness in others.  Don't let the ugly in others kill the beauty in you.  When things go wrong, don't go with them.  Do good and good will come to you.  Never play with the feelings of others.  Because you may win the game, but the risk is that you will surely lose the person for a life time.  Teach yourself not to take revange in this world, Karma will punish them behalf of you.

A ship is always safe at the shore, but that is not what it is built for.  Stop letting people that add so little to your life take so much of your peace.
  What's done in darkness always comes to light.  We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.  Don't let the darkness of this world harden your heart.  Never stop being a good person because of bad people; never regret being a good person to the wrong people.  Forgive others, not because they deserve forgiveness, but because you deserve peace.  If you want to live a peaceful life, accept yourself for who you are and respect others for who they are.  At the end of the day, you are at peace because your intentions are good and your heart is pure.  Wherever you go, go with all your heart.  Walk your own path, but live and let live.

We all have pasts.  We all made choices that maybe weren't the best ones.  None of us are completely innocent, but we get a fresh start every day to be a better person than we were yesterday. 
Never stop being a good person because of bad people.  Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind.  Overcome the devils with a thing called "love".  The more love you give away, the more love you receive.  My mother told me:  What goes around comes around, and what goes up must come down.  Everything in the dark must come to light.  And you will reap what you sow.

When you plant a seed of love, it is you that blossoms.  The fruit of a mango tree.  The mango will yield the tree, and the tree will yield the mango, and the cycle continues.
  Whatever a man sows, he will also reap (Galatians 6:7)



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